

The Astrological Society of Kentucky


A Workshop with World Renowned Financial Astrologer

          Christeen Skinner


                                    Navigating Your Financial Universe                           


From the stock market to bitcoin, Christeen will take us on a tour of the world of finance. Traders will add new tools to their trading tool chest and we will all learn more about how astrology influences changes in the economy such as recession and the property cycle. She will also use her skills to forecast the economic future of the United States and the world.


 Christeen H. Skinner is a practicing financial astrologer based in London and with clients all over the world. She works with entrepreneurs, traders, and fund managers and is the director of Cityscopes London, a company specializing in future casting. She holds a diploma from the Faculty of Astrological Studies where she also taught for a decade. She has been chair of the Astrological Association of Great Britain and of the advisory board of National Council for Geocosmic Research, and she is a trustee of the Urania Trust and a director of the Alexandria iBase Project. She offers a free monthly newsletter service, now in its ninth year. Visit her at



When: Oct. 26, 2024 10AM to 3PM EDST (with an hour break for lunch)

Where: This will be an online workshop via Zoom

How: Please see payment buttons below

If you would prefer to pay by check, contact us at for instructions.



Workshop for Non-Members $40.00

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Workshop for Members $30.00

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The study, research and dissemination of astrological knowledge.